2020 Parade of Homes Registration is now open!
CBIA Members email: [email protected] to obtain a registration packet
The 2020 CBIA Parade of Homes is a unique and exciting marketing opportunity for your models to shine!
Engage potential buyers while you showcase your unique style and craftsmanship!
- Prospective Buyers to your Models: Provide these prospective buyers an opportunity to meet you and realize you can turn their home dreams into a reality.
- Dynamic Advertising Campaign: Parade of Homes App for iPhone & Droid users – with GPS tracking systems providing builder model information to include photos for one year.
Naples Daily News Parade of Homes Special Edition: 130,000 copies published & distributed throughout the community, March 13 & 20, 2020. - Parade of Homes Website Exposure: Marketing your model all year-long on the Parade of Homes website.
- Increased Exposure: All model information and company logo linked to your website resulting in an invaluable increase in page views, improved SEO and credibility to your models.
- Naples Daily News Parade of Homes Virtual Edition: Year-long exposure in the flip-able virtual edition on the CBIA Parade of Homes website.
- Radio & Social Media Outlets: Continual Parade of Homes marketing on all CBIA social media outlets, local radio before and during Parade activities.
- Model Entered for Judging: All qualifying models are entered for judging – winners will be announced, March 5, 2020 at Hilton Naples Parade of Homes Awards ceremony.
- Year-long Exclusive Marketing Benefits Package Above – Priceless
Parade of Homes Dates: March 13-15 and March 20-22, 2020
Times: Friday and Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Sunday: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Early Entry Registration: December 2, 2019 (info submission deadline: 12/13/19. Receive 10% discount). Registration form, participation agreement and payment must be received by December 2, 2019. ALL MODEL MARKETING MATERIALS must be electronically uploaded by December 13, 2019.
Final Entry Registration: December 13, 2019 (info submission deadline: 01/06/20). Registration form, participation agreement and payment must be received by December 13, 2019. ALL MODEL MARKETING MATERIALS must be electronically uploaded by Monday, January 6, 2020.
Judging will take place, Friday, February 7, 2020. We are unable to determine the time of day your home will be judged until notification is shared on Monday, February 3, 2020. A home will not be judged if work is being conducted day of judging. Homes must be complete on judging day including landscaping, all surfaces finished and fixtures installed. Homes not presented in such condition on Judging Day will not be judged. No refunds will be provided.
The point method of scoring will be used. Overall Excellence in Construction Awards will be presented for 1st place: must have received 75% of total possible points and highest score in category. Merit awards will be given to 2nd place winners who must receive a minimum score of 70% of total points possible. Each entry will be judged on its own merit by highly qualified impartial judges from outside Collier County.
Time: Judging times are assigned according to a routing schedule and cannot be changed. All entrants will be notified via email of the approximate time the judges will arrive on site. No judging appointments will be rescheduled. Judging will be based upon a scale of 1-5 points in the following:
Exterior: Overall architectural design; Quality of workmanship; Outdoor planning-landscaping; decks, retaining walls, walks, pool, lighting
Interior: Livability/Function-spaces planned for traffic flow, floor plan; Kitchen, Breakfast-functionality, cabinetry, special features; Family area-well planned, proportional for home; Master bedroom-design, special features, closets; Master bathroom-design, special features, overall appeal; Guest bedrooms/bathrooms-design, special features, closets; Quality of Workmanship: Installation of fixtures, tile, placement of mirrors, trim, cabinets, and countertops.
Floor Plan: Overall impression
Each company will receive 2 comp tickets to the Awards Ceremony on March 5, 2020 at Hilton Naples. Tickets will be available for purchase based upon space availability.
Signs are to be picked up from CBIA from 02/24/20 to 03/06/2020 and returned to CBIA by 03/31/20. Fees may apply if signage isn’t returned to CBIA.
Send registration forms, special instructions and questions via email to [email protected].
Upon commitment you will be sent login information with username and password to upload all necessary information electronically.